Elden Ring Consumables-Only Challenge: A Journey of Unconventional Tactics

In the vast and challenging world of Elden Ring, where mastery of weapons and combat skills is crucial, some players choose to embark on unique challenges that test their creativity and adaptability. One such challenge gaining popularity is the Consumables-Only Run. From throwing knives to potent buffs, players explore the lands armed only with items purchasable from merchants. In this article, we delve into a player’s experience with this extraordinary playthrough, highlighting their strategy, encounters, and the surprising effectiveness of seemingly humble consumables.

Setting Up the Challenge:

The protagonist of this challenging run chooses the Confessor as the starting class, emphasizing a balanced distribution for effective use of incantation buffs. The key rule is to restrict the usage of consumables to those available for purchase from in-game merchants. This excludes crafted items, adding an extra layer of difficulty to the run. Notably, the challenge evolves into a unique and demanding experience due to this limitation.

Navigating the Lands Between:

The journey begins with a careful selection of consumables from various merchants in the lands. The protagonist strategically spreads runes between leveling up and acquiring necessary consumables, turning the run into a capitalism simulator. Notably, defeating challenging bosses like the knight’s cavalry and the Bell-Betting Hunter yields significant rune rewards, enhancing the character’s capabilities.

Building the Character:

The protagonist strategically builds the character, focusing on faith, vigor, strength, dexterity, and intelligence. Throwing knives, gravity stones, and poison become integral components of the character’s arsenal. Patches’s questline also plays a crucial role, leading to the acquisition of fan daggers – a consumable that will prove to be a game-changer.

Boss Fights:

The consumables-only run faces numerous boss challenges, each requiring a unique approach. From Gravity Stones against the Crystalian Tree Sentinel to Fan Daggers against Radagon, the player creatively employs a variety of consumables to conquer formidable foes. Notably, the fan daggers reveal unexpected potency, making certain encounters surprisingly manageable.

Sponsor Break – MMOexp:

Before delving into more boss fights, the article acknowledges MMOexp, a free-to-play PVP medieval fantasy combat game. MMOexp provides support for gamers’ Elden Ring Runes buy service and ensures the continuation of unique challenges such as consumable-only runs.

More Boss Challenges:

The protagonist confronts a series of demanding bosses, including Gideon, Maliketh, Godfrey, and Fire Giant. Each encounter necessitates careful consumable management, with the fan daggers proving to be an effective weapon. However, the Apostles and Fire Giant present formidable challenges, showcasing the limitations and difficulty spikes inherent in the consumables-only run.

The Album Beasts Dilemma:

A significant hurdle in the consumables-only run is the encounter with Album Beasts. The protagonist must resort to the strategic use of poison and carefully execute a plan involving runes and various consumables to overcome this formidable duo. The difficulty of this encounter highlights the unpredictable nature of Elden Ring’s consumables-only challenge.

Leveling Up for Success:

Realizing the severe under-leveling challenge, the protagonist decides to level up significantly before facing Radagon and Album Beasts. The strategic use of the rune farm glitch elevates the character to level 200, providing better chances against these formidable foes.


The consumables-only run in Elden Ring proves to be a unique and challenging endeavor, pushing the boundaries of traditional gameplay. The protagonist’s journey, filled with strategic choices, surprising effectiveness of certain consumables, and unexpected difficulty spikes, showcases the dynamic nature of Elden Ring’s world. As players continue to experiment with unconventional challenges, the consumables-only run stands out as a testament to creativity, adaptability, and the ever-evolving nature of gaming experiences.